Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Still Around...

…but haven’t really had the time or inclination to update you on my World’s Greatest Uncle™ trip, especially after being diagnosed with some fairly devastating medical news last Thursday. Still trying to absorb and make sense of it all. Suddenly life seems very precious. Gotta make every day count. Mind you, I went to the movies last night with TWO (count ‘em!) gorgeous women and they bought me pizza before we settled down to watch Gillian Anderson and her beautiful eyes on the big screen so life doesn’t get much better than THAT!

More later in the week…


At 8/8/08 5:53 pm, Blogger Lesley said...

I'm really sorry to hear such worrying news (am tempted to add something flippant about your trip to the cinema - but won't, for once).

At 9/8/08 3:42 am, Blogger Kell said...

This doesn't sound good and now I'm going to worry until you post again.

I wondered how soon you'd go see the X-files movie. And to think I wanted to see it because Billy Connolly is in it.

At 10/8/08 12:08 am, Blogger Neil said...

Lesley / Kell - I'm really sorry to have worried you and thank you for your concern; it's very touching. I'll explain all (in a sheepish manner) later today.



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