Sunday, February 18, 2007

Evie Grace Melvin

For those of you know him, here’s one of the first pictures of our friend Bruce; proud father. His daughter Evie, weighing 5lbs, 13oz, was born at 3pm on Valentine’s Day although inexplicably, it then took him another three and a half hours to pick up the phone and tell me about it. ME! His best man! Obviously, I have first dibs on being godfather but he better come up with a better explanation for the time delay than “placenta-grillin’” before I agree to take up my lawful rights.

You’ll be pleased to learn that both mother and daughter are home from the hospital and doing well. Bruce, on the other hand, claims to be very very tired and needing his baw-baws. The family just live round the corner from me so I’ll bring you further updates once I go to visit, which will be sometime after the child’s third birthday when nappies are a thing of the past.


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