Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Pick 'N Mix

This is just a quick tidy up of bits and pieces to break up a busy week of golf, napping, job hunting, golf, tax returns and listening to the new Shawn Colvin album. (Kat – Your copy is in the post as we speak!!!) If you’re looking for something more substantial, come back and visit on Friday when the announcement of an EXCITING NEW DEVELOPMENT will be formally announced. (Before you ask, it has nothing to do with job acquisition, girlfriends, pizza, lottery wins or Middle East peace.)

So meantime, entertain yourself with the following fascinating facts, amusing links, answered queries and such like and so forth…

1. It is impossible to lick your elbows.

2. With Christmas nearly upon us, it’ll soon be time to wile away your office hours playing games on the internet. (Remember last year when you tried to avoid being caught spanking your penguin?) So courtesy of my pal Dave, here’s a little game to kick off the festive season whereby you try and steer a drunken man home to safety. How appropriate.

3. In the olden days of yore, I used to have another website which was built by my genius brother Stuart (STILL available for all manner of freelance design work) and it contained direct contact details. That website is currently “undergoing reconstruction” (although Stuart seems to think it’s more important at the moment that he fulfil his obligations as a baby-making machine) so since Deborah brought up the issue the other day, you can contact me using if you ever feel the urge. (Stay tuned - this may assume more importance on Friday. Then again, it may not.)

4. Deborah also asked about my thoughts surrounding golf, golfers and last weekend’s stunning Ryder Cup success in Ireland. To be honest, there are just too many great moments to mention but Darren Clark’s arrival on the first tee on Friday and his finale on the 16th green on Sunday w.. w.. w.. was.. *gulp* sorry, I seem to have something in my eye…

5. Over 75% of people who read this, will try to lick their elbows.


At 27/9/06 5:17 pm, Blogger Just Me said...

the thought crossed my mind...but i resisted the urge to try...

At 28/9/06 10:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't get very far with the drunken man, found another one which I tried sending to neilwritestheworld .. !

... so the Darren Clarke moments. I liked watching Paul Casey and then reading that he took his four iron after Woosie had suggested the three. Then he did a hole in one and said, I should be a caddie ...

At 4/10/06 12:48 am, Blogger Green Glass Beads said...

You know there are 2 simple ways to lick your elbow. You can cut off your arm and then bring it closer for a lick. Or you can cut off your thongue anth bwing ith clother thoo youw ewbow...

Thanks for the good luck wishes on the gig - it was smashing.


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